
#26 3.29.11

Nikki Henderson, Executive Director of People's Grocery

Laura Parker, artist whose work often focuses on agriculture, the environment and social structure

John Bela, artist, maker, landscape architect, designer, director at REBAR

Ted Purves, artist and founder/director of the Social Practices MFA program at California College of the Arts

Otto Von Busch, runs Self_Passage, he is a haute couture heretic and fashion renegade hacking the operating system of fashion. As a subconstructive semionaut he explores low level interventions at the interface between the second skin and the modes of production in fashion industry

Philip Ross, makes research based artworks that place natural systems within a frame of social and historic contexts

Arpad Dobriban,
Dusseldorf-based artist Arpad Dobriban has sought after food recipes from the past in order to put them directly back into practice among a wider community. After an initial interview, Dobriban invites people to his “mobile kitchen” and asks them to teach him about the preparation of dishes, which might still be part of their families' everyday menu. Dobriban's field studies also permit the recounting of other developments in popular culture or migration movements.

Stephanie Junge, theater director

Denise Sauerteig, Research Social Scientist at the Center for Technology in Learning at SRI International