
#35 Carpenter Center, Harvard University 4.24.12

Helen Mirra, artist and VES faculty

Louisa Denison, food literacy project coordinator and co-founder of the Harvard Community Garden

Sam Gould, red76, professor

Scott Berzofsky, work explores the relation between art, ecology and urban spatial politics

Rebecca Uchill, curator, founder of experience economies

Gavin Kroeber, producer, founder of experience economies

Cornelia Hoskin, HOMEGROWN Shepherdess, FARMAID

Lisa Gross, artist, founder of the Boston Tree Party and the Director and Founder of Hybrid Vigor Projects

Dave Craft, urban forager and cancer researcher

Jeremy Blatter, PhD candidate in the History of Science and Film and Visual Studies at Harvard, research focuses on the history of psychotechnics and applied psychology

Virginia White, artist 

Maria Molteni, artist, educator, dancer, beekeeper

Kathleen Bitetti, artist, curator, public policy expert

John Hulsey, artist, PhD candidate in Film and Visual Studies at Harvard

Dena Molnar, textile designer

Keerthi Reddy, Harvard Crimson staff writer

Rebecca Cohen, Harvard student

#34 Cannard Farm, Sonoma, Ca 01.29.12

Bob Cannard, farmer

Leslie Shows, artist

Natasha Wheat, artist

Hanna Hart, rancher and midwife in training

Loma Pongmee

Sharon Jones

Albert Nunez

#33 Sausalito   11.27.11

Les Blank, legendary filmmaker

Amy Franceschini, artist

Stijn Schifeleers, artist

Ted Purves, artist, dean of the MFA program and founder of the Social Practice department at CCA

Susanne Cockrell, artist and teacher

Twilight Greenaway, food editor at Grist

Ashley Helvey, artist, felter, designer

Julie Kahn, filmmaker

#32   9.20.11

#31  8.23.11

Audrey Snyder, Cooper Union student, printmaker, Futurefarmer

Cathy Erway, food blogger, author of The Art of Eating In, writes about food, sustainable farming and green living at The Huffington Post, Saveur.com and Edible Brooklyn, and has written for Brooklyn Based and The L Magazine. She hosts the weekly radio show, Let's Eat In, on Heritage Radio Network and co-founded theHapa Kitchen supper club.

Laura Parker, artist whose work often focuses on agriculture, the environment and social structureAmy Franceschini, artist, designer, professor, founder of Future FarmersFree Soil, and the SF Victory Garden Project

Stijn Schiffeleers, artist, curator

Sarah Simon, half of Magic, Magic Roses

Allison Smith, artist, chair of sculpture dept at CCA

Christina Linden, curator, critic